To test the technical feasibility of the generation of a text-based captcha and the serverless approach, a proof of concept was created. This includes the corresponding generation and verification of the captcha challenge.

<aside> ⛔ The API structure does not reflect the production API. There will be changes to the routes and request schema due to additional functionality. Please do not use the POC demo API in products. It is intended for demo purposes only.


Global Demo API Key

This endpoint is throttled, it may happen that an endpoint is temporarily blocked due to too many requests (Status Code 429).

Try again in 24 hours or contact us for an individual demo API key.

Feedback & Contact

Please use the following global demo API key:



For this purpose, a Rest API was created, which was provided with two endpoints.

[POST] /captcha/generate

This endpoint generates a new text-based captcha challenge and returns the associated challenge data to the client.


curl --location --request POST '<>' \\
--header 'x-api-key: {apiKey}'
